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Tribal  font


Note of the author


First drawn 1979 as Indian.

Renamed as "Typefont of Native American Honor" in 1982.

These names reserved for later use by artist.

This is the FREE version offered under one of two names: 1. Tribal 2. SWMCA Tribal. Basic character set.

Private font until November 11, 2012 when it was digitalized using Font Panda.

Very much like original font but a bit more "playful" and not offered as an extended set or in more than 3 weights at this time.

Copyright by SWMCA Catalogs LLC. 2015 All Rights Reserved. Due to file size restrictions, The EULA is not included. It is your responsibility as a customer to orbtain these at swmca.com. You may also get it at Internet Archive. For this font select the Standard EULA.


Tribal font download, Tribal font.