Vorschau Größe Fonts
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Springsteel Serif
Springsteel Serif  font

Springsteel Serif

Note of the author

A companion to Springsteel™ (sans-serif), the text weights (Light– Bold) of this serif typeface are intended for use in longer text blocks and smaller sizes. The extreme weights (Thin & Heavy) are more suited for larger size display use. Like the sans-serif, the typeface has an unusual construction using curves on the outside and straight lines inside characters, giving it quite an expressive and warm feel. It contains small caps and old-style figures, as well as superior/ inferior figures and common fractions and mathematical symbols. It supports Western plus Nordic, Eastern European and Turkish languages. Excellent spacing and extensive kerning (over 2800 pairs) provided by Igino Marini/iKern.

Springsteel Serif font download, Springsteel Serif font.