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Quaderno Bianco
Quaderno Bianco  font

Quaderno Bianco  

Anmerkung des Autors

Quaderno Bianco is an Handwriting Display Font, its design is simple and instinctive, just like a note left on the table or a post-it on the fridge, the meaning of the name is “white notebook”, Quaderno Bianco is a font that helps to unchain the creativity.

Its strenght is in the Opentype Functions, it has a SmallCaps function and a Random function, the last one mimics an actual writing, where the letters always differs by little details.

By activate the “Alternate” Opentype function of your software it is possible use the alternative character sets.

Every letter is presented in 4 extra different shapes (1 extra shape for numbers, symbols and punctuation), that replace the main glyph following a certain code; in that way it pretends a random glyph substitution and, at the same time, it avoids formatting issues that could appear every time at open or refresh of the document.

The plain design make it perfect to suite positive communication as corporate identity or advertisings of Bio products or renewable energies, posters, greetings cards and much more.

Quaderno Bianco Family:

Quaderno Bianco Regular

Quaderno Bianco Bold

FULL version available here > https://www.monofonts.com/products/quaderno-bianco

For commercial use, you can purchase the font at: https://www.monofonts.com/products/quaderno-bianco

For more info on our license:


Quaderno Bianco font download, Quaderno Bianco font.