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Eboracum font


Note of the author

Eboracum is worked up from a part sample of the same name found in a Delittle wood type sample book dated 1972 and found in a drawer with other wood types in the now defunct Castle Press.

In adding additional glyphs to complete the font, I have tried to stay as true to the original as possible.

Because I have recreated Eboracum to rescue it from a dusty drawer & an uncertain fate and to preserve it for the future, it is served free for personal use and ‘as is’ . If you like Eboracum, please feel free to make a ‘domestic brew’ sized donation to the ‘buy the author a beer fund’ using the donate button. For commercial use, should you find one for it, a donation would be good manners! Enjoy!


Eboracum font download, Eboracum font.